lenten rose การใช้
- Helleborus x hybridus ( also sold as Helleborus orientalis ), Lenten rose.
- Any day the lenten rose blossoms will appear for their months-long visit.
- The Lenten rose persisted, fine as always.
- She also tends an immense shade garden where visitors can stroll amid the many colors of Lenten rose.
- But Georgia gardeners get the best results with H . x hybridus, better known as the Lenten rose.
- And everyone should plant an evergreen Lenten rose ( Helleborus orientalis ) because it blooms from February through May.
- Lenten rose, whose early blooms were mushed, is putting out new ones, restoring a little bit of spring lost.
- H . orientalis, or Lenten rose, the popular garden hellebore is actually a genetic mishmash of various hellebore species, said Fischer.
- Over the last few years, I have increasingly made an effort to always enjoy some garden flowers indoors _ from lenten rose in January to camellia in December.
- Lenten rose ( H . orientalis hybrid ) is true to its popular name and then some as the flowers open in March and hold for well over three months.
- Playing off one another in a symphony of sights and sounds were, among others, daffodil, iris, quince, saucer magnolia, lenten rose, flowering almond, azalea, cherry, Scotch broom.
- While summers here are too hot for types grown in Canada or Europe, Lenten rose proves a reliable perennial with its varied palette of white, pink, mauve, plum and every shade in between.
- On the other side of the cabin, in the Japanesque garden, the hard-bit dwarf mondo struggles back with tentative green growth, as does cast iron plant and Lenten rose ( it produced one lonely bloom ).
- A willing client, Penny agreed to take out dozens of hydrangeas, replacing them with grand variety, including mahonia, daphne, autumn ferns, viburnum, Lenten rose, astilbe, foxglove, yaupon, Japanese maple, nandina.
- Elsley's extensive travels, positions and contacts have helped him put his hands on some rare and wonderful plants, many of which are unavailable in the trade-- including a showy black lenten rose, several Japanese maples and some hostas.
- Ginkgo, Japanese maples, Japanese black pines, lenten rose and all the rest look so at home compared to those first few months when they cowered in fear, sometimes dropping leaves as the cold late spring knocked them down after they had leafed out in Atlanta.
- "You don't have to bend down to rub mine, " retorts her mother ), as we admire the pansies, foxglove, aster, geranium, rose campion, ice plant, thistle, toad lily, astilbe, yarrow, aucuba, mahonia, lenten rose, fern, Japanese maple.
- During the hard lows of the cold season, Lenten rose was so roughed up that it looked as if it might just sit out the year, but lo and behold, the other day it started to flower all over, its dusty rose blossoms nodding in the sunshine, hailing the new season and ignoring the old in much the same way as gardeners flocking to spaces with tender new plants : offerings to the gods of green.